Godling of Aliot

You awake in a haze, unable to move. A strange woman stands in front of you.

Hello, I am Kressia, Goddess of Enthrallment, Exalted of the Divine Realms, Daughter of Fuitra. I found your soul wandering around and as the benevolent, wondrous goddess that I am, I saved you. From what I gather you were killed while ascending into a godling, but this need not be an issue. I can resolve the problems that have arisen from it, mainly being that you don’t have a body, but in exchange you will assist me.

I was recently given purview over a new world, Aliot, but I have other matters to attend to and won’t have much free time for the next few centuries. I was going to leave the world alone, but with your appearance I can now just send you in my stead.

No, we are not equals and no, I don’t technically own you. I am a full god and member of the collective of gods known as the Divine Realms. You are a godling, basically a weak god that lacks a couple major features of full godhood and as such, is not a full citizen like other ascendents. While not being a god you do still have some rights which mean I can’t just claim you as mine because I found you. Although, there are plenty of methods that I could use to force you into slavery, but I am far too magnanimous a being to do any of them.

Now then, I’ll walk you through everything to get setup. First we’ll figure out our relationship and thus how far my kindness extends. Then we’ll get your body figured out, if there are any problems, the powers and items you have, then end with some information about Aliot and where you wish to enter at.


So at worst I expect you to at minimum reduce the number of powers on Aliot, but preferably you conquer it for me. I won’t force you into any agreement you don’t wish right now, but I won’t be having rebellious subjects after I conquer Aliot.

Choose One

You must end this CYOA with 0 or greater points
Cost: +200

Open Season

If you wish we can discuss your vassalization on my return. I won’t treat you different from the other godlings, but you will have free reign to do as you please for now. You may even be able to bargain for better terms if you make yourself into something and stay in my good graces.

Cost: +300

Free Worship

If you let worship of me continue unimpeded then I will grant you some additional power. You don’t have to incentivize it, but don’t make any laws or take action against my worshippers. Be warned, you best be good at cover ups if you decide to break this agreement.

Cost: +450

Secondary State

Not only will you allow my worship, your governments and actions will place my worshippers as members of your rule. You will have a secondary church that is devoted to me and it will be backed by your hand.

Cost: +600


Your religion will place myself above you in your teachings to the people of Aliot. You will have to pay me anima, divine power, periodically and I will collect any worship directed at me. You will have your autonomy, just with a payment you can think of as rent.

Cost: +800

In My Name

You will officially join my faction, become my subordinate, and conform your religion to my own. I will leave you in charge of Aliot and the anima collection on that world, most of which you will be able to keep. Also, if you ever ascend into full godhood you will continue to be my subordinate.

Cost: +1200


Your body and soul will be mine. You will own nothing, simply working as an extension of myself. I will still place you in charge of Aliot, but you will have no rights of your own. If you ever attempt to escape, I have the full authority of the Divine Realms to reclaim you as my property.


Onto your new body. First up is deciding what species you are based on. This is only a base for which your supernatural abilities are expanded upon. So while a halfling that focuses on strength won’t be stronger than the equivalent orc, they could still punch a hole in a stone wall without much effort.

Also don’t worry about specifics for your body. These are just for the general aspects, your soul will manage the smaller details.

Choose One

Cost: Free


General Height: Medium

The most common race amongst mortals, gods, and ascendents. They tend to have very diverse skills and physical ability. Culturally they are also diverse, ranging from rigid hierarchies to very meritocratic ones. The most common trait they have is expansionism when at the heights of their power.

Cost: Free

Dwarf, Halfling

General Height: Small

Halflings are the archetypal small race. They are diverse in skill, but weak due to their small stature. Culturally they have very short hierarchies, are hyper egalitarian, and tend to decide who gets a job based on want. They are just all around very nice and happy people.

Cost: Free

Dwarf, Stoutling

General Height: Short

The larger and thicker cousins of the halflings, stoutlings have great strength and endurance for their size. They have very rigid hierarchies with lineage mattering more than merit until you get to inter-clan politics. Despite this they are very practical when it comes to actions.

Cost: 50


General Height: Medium

Vex are a subset of the foxkin who all have skill in manamancy. They have very fluid meritocratic societies and determine coming of age when you are able to make a mask out of mana. The more skilled you are, the more ornate the mask, with leaders having intricate trinkets for masks.

Vex gain Manamancy for Free

Cost: Free

Elf, High

General Height: Medium

High Elves are a haughty species due to their biological immortality, great agility, and exceptional skill in magic. They tend to choose a skill early in life and stick to it until they die with little care for learning skills outside their need. This makes for a very rigid society, but one by personal choice.

Cost: Free

Elf, Dark

General Height: Medium

The greyer, slightly less magical, but exceptional dextrous cousins of high elves. Dark elves tend to have brutal societies with assassination and backstabbing commonplace. They tend to be skilled in luxomancy, but most societies focus on necromancy to reduce the consequences of death.

Cost: Free

Orc, High

General Height: Medium

The most civilized of the orc species with the ability to exist in civilized societies with time. These orcs are very dextrous, extremely strong, and strongly desire to have beauty and power. They still raid the civilized races, they just have homes and some civilized jobs to return to.

Cost: Free

Orc, Savage

General Height: Large

These orcs are the smash anything that doesn’t give you what you want type. They are amazingly strong, very durable, and decently dextrous, but not the brightest. They live in a might makes right world, but will band together to kill tyrannical non-orcs that try to rule them.

Cost: Free


General Height: Small to Large

Demons are a difficult to define type of immortal without going into it. Simplified, they at least have horns and probably live in a hell. Physically they are very diverse with the specific subspecies being the largest decider. Culturally they tend to have meritocratic hierarchies and yes I am a demon.

Cost: Free


General Height: Any

So angels aren’t a real species, not like the others at least. They are created by gods as demi beings extending the will of their god with independent angels having ascended past that. They all tend to have feathered wings, good agility, strength, and endurance unless made specifically not to.

Cost: Free

Fae, Faerie

General Height: Medium

The fae are another immortal species with a difficult explanation. They have the classic fae wings and tend to be skilled at druidism and subjugation magic. The fae tend to have politically based hierarchies tiered based on power with faeries taking the highest positions in the goverments.

Cost: Free

Fae, Fairy

General Height: Tiny

I apologize for the nomenclature, I honestly think the fairies did it on purpose. These guys are the less than bright, extremely agile, very tiny, and degenerate fae. They are also an immortal species, but I rarely see them do anything of value. They tend to just mess with people in their free time.

Cost: 40


General Height: Any

Elementals are beings made of an element, with more advanced ones often possessing multiple. They tend to grow in size and intelligence as they get more powerful, but even the greatest elementals aren’t the brightest. Choose one of the standard elements of Mana, Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Metal, or Light for your form.

Elementals gain their element’s form of magic for Free

Cost: 35


General Height: Any

Spirits are a diverse species with the common trait of being in an innately ethereal state. They aren’t visible by standard mortal sight, but more powerful spirits learn to make themselves visible and eventually turn fully physical when they wish. Spirits also hold a vast diversity in intelligence, ranging from imbeciles to geniuses.

Spirits gain Motion for Free

Cost: 50


General Height: Medium/Giant

Dragons are very powerful physically and tend to look down on the other races. Dragons can also gain great magical skill if they learn, but often don’t. Their ability to shift between their dragon and humanoid form is innate and despite the humanoid form being a bit weaker, they often choose it as their default because they prefer the feel.

Dragons gain Shifter for Free for their dragon form

Cost: 250


Requires In My Name or Slave

General Height: Giant

Titans are massive beings (60’+) that are attuned to aspects of reality, most often an element. They are extremely powerful physically and infamous as god killers. These guys are nasty and if you wish to become one you must at least become my subordinate. No, I am not joking.

Titans gain Anima Blade, Anima Armor, Strength, Agility, Endurance, Aura, and Greater Aura for Free.


So what sex do you want to be?

Choose One


Odd choice, well I guess this may seem normal to you. Males are extremely rare on most worlds and as ascendents. I think most people just find them…lacking.


Breasts, vagina, and a dick. This is the most common form for those with dicks. I think they probably fill the role males did on your home world.


Vagina and functioning breasts just like me. Honestly, most ascendents are female and I’m not sure why. Might be something to do with creation or possibly dicks getting in the way.


You don’t have to select the size of your race, but it could be hard to get worshippers if you are a third their size. Also do remember that the larger you are the greater your base power is, but the more area you have to enhance to gain further strength.

Choose One


~3'' - 2’

This is generally as small as thinking beings come and it would be best to have the ability to fly. While it will be harder to hit you and there is less area to enhance, your physical abilities and mana supply will be hindered.


2’ - 3’ 6''

These guys aren’t too uncommon, but they still have difficulty in most societies. The first of the heights to have decent functionality on foot though. They are the size of most species’ children for those that take young bodies.


3’ 6'' - 5’

This is the standard height for the slightly shorter races to the slightly shorter members of the most common races. You can generally function fine in most societies with only minor hindrance due to height.


5’ - 6’

This is the standard height for most mortal races as well as ascendents. They tend to function well in most worlds with a good balance between base power and how much area you have to enhance.


6’ - 9’

This is where slightly taller races and the taller member of the most common races stand. You may have some issues in normal society, but you can just make sure your followers create large doors.



This is mostly a soft cap on how large you can go, but do remember you aren’t going to be living in space. That being said, beings of this size tend to find mortals bowing down without much effort.


This won’t really affect much since you’re immortal. Just choose how you want to look, or how much cushion you want.

Choose One


It’s lighter than I expected you to choose, but that is fine, I guess. From time to time you may see other ascendents with so little, but it definitely isn’t common.


Alright, now we are in the more common amounts. Choose this one if you don’t want much, but also don’t want to stand out in a bad way.


Standard, solid, and overall good. There is plenty there, but you probably won’t ever feel like there is too much.


On the thicker side, which can be nice, but you should know that many unseemly gods have this much and I would hate for you to be falsely associated with them.


Wow, okay then. No, I don’t see this very often. I won’t stop you, but most ascendents won’t think much of you based on your appearance


While muscle amount won’t have an overwhelming effect like with mortals, they will help you out.

Choose One


Not as uncommon as you may expect. Many gods choose this for their mage avatars or at least non combat focused ones.


This is very common for most ascendents since it is smooth and clean, but with some nice physical enhancements.


Generally only on fighters due to its physical power, but some prefer it for looks. It is also nice to show off to mortals with.


No, I don’t think this one is excessive at all. I really enjoy when my muscle clad brutes return covered in the blood of my enemies.


Now we are getting to the fun stuff that make or break the outfits you wear, sometimes literally.

Choose One


This is normal for the rare male, but would be quite strange on the others. I get you could make it larger with magic, but why would you want to walk around with a board for a chest.


Small indeed. I see them around, but it just seems like a waste. They won’t ever get in your way, but why not just go for something more substantial.


Small but good, or medium but good. They fit well and don’t get in the way. The first of the respectable sizes in my opinion.


The best size and no, it isn’t just because it is my size. They are very graspable and prominent in clothing while not forcing the eyes if you don’t wish.


A bunch of fun if you are willing to deal with the hassle. You won’t get back pain, but they can get in the way and can make certain outfits unreasonable.


Yes this is possible, but you would barely be able to move without magic. The only possible advantage is increased mana regen from all the extra flesh.


A good cushion and a damn fine part of the body.

Choose One


Okay, I guess you don’t need the cushion, or to look good from the back. That’s fine.


Small, but it can work with the right clothes and style.


A good size with a nice cushion and a strong form.


Something to flaunt. This size is nice to look at and that goes much further than you may think.


Monstrous, best to be fine with your worshippers focusing on the lower section of your statues.


Wow, you’ll have to embrace it as there is no way you could sideline this thing.

Extra Changes

These are some extra things you may have. You can make any specification you want for these, or just leave it up to your soul.

Skin, Fur, Scales, & Feathers

What grows on the outer layer, where it grows, and how much of it.


Sharp teeth, it could only be a couple or all of them.


Fingertips designed to pierce and slash.


Mostly just for looks, but used for combat on occasion.


While often not sized for what would be required, anima enhancements tend to make them functional.


One or multiple of various types. Tails can be used in combat, but are most often just another part of the body.


Not quite sure why you want this, but yes I can attach a few. No, they come as long fleshy limbs.


From extra eyes or limbs, to animal ears and feet. Anything else you specifically want.


I guess I should probably tell you all the stuff you can do just because you are a godling. These powers mostly focus around anima, a power to the soul like mana is to reality. Anima is the power and innate currency of ascendents and gods. All souls generate it, but gods are exceptionally skilled at collecting it.

Cost: Free


You are immortal, your body will regenerate, you don’t need to eat or sleep, and you have mastery over your physical form including fertility. The only downside is that regeneration will consume your anima when you are injured, but you can learn to prevent it if you want.

Cost: Free


Enhancement is the other major ability to signify ascendence. Mortals will, over time, use their anima subconsciously to improve their body, but ascendents can control how their anima is used and when. This covers strength, agility, endurance, and mana regeneration.

Cost: Free


Animagium is the equivalent to magic for anima. Creation is a very common skill of animagium and all gods have it. You can create matter at will using anima. More advanced matter takes longer and consumes more anima.

Cost: Free


The counterpart to creation, with destruction you can destroy matter using anima. This isn’t a combat ability as it loses most functionality against enchanted objects and anything will a soul. It will require some type of magic to trap you now though.

Cost: Free

Greater Immortality

Immortality doesn’t actually prevent your death, it just makes it a hell of a lot harder. Greater immortality also doesn’t prevent your death, but your soul will reform a new body given time. Because you died during your ascension your soul didn’t know what form to take so this didn’t kick in.

Cost: Free

Vast Presence

Now we are getting into god specific powers. This basically just means you are able to spread your presence out beyond yourself and very far at that. You won’t be able to focus on anything by yourself, but worship assists your ability to focus on an area and from that you can take actions.

Cost: Free


This is the staple of godly power. Mortals generate anima like all beings, but they don’t have the skill to keep it all inside of them. They will give off ambient anima which you can collect through worship. The stronger their worship, the more efficient the collection of anima. This also works with sacrifices to collect the anima of the sacrificed.

Cost: Free

Soul Control

Not nearly as cool as it sounds. This is basically just the ability to move bodiless souls around. This is used for soul collection and placement. If you wish to have total control over your territory, you will have to get good with this to make sure that everything living gets the soul it needs. Yes, I do mean everything.


I got some of my diviners to sketch out what problems you may encounter and I figure I ought to help you out so you don’t get stomped. Since you are learning of these, you can also shift your thinking around until they don’t happen anymore, but I won’t be helping you out for things that aren’t going to happen.

Cost: +60

Lesser Presence

It seems that you didn’t quite pick up on the whole understanding beyond yourself. You can still spread your presence out, it is just very difficult to understand what is going on. Even your most devout followers will only send vague feelings of their will.

Cannot be taken with Greater Presence
Cost: +80


It seems that you won’t really like to do things for yourself when you get to Aliot. It will just feel right to send your followers to act in your place, only using your physical ability when forced. On the plus you should have a lot of leisure time.

Cost: +25

New Fashion

You will really like, and I mean really, having your followers in less than prude clothing. Kinda kinky, but I guess they’re your followers. Let’s hope that you can figure out how to give them some protection in battle.

Cost: +20

Cultic Personality

For some reason your followers will default to very sexual worship. It will take a lot of effort to fix this, or you are going to have to accept having your statues covered in cum. Not my flavor, but it could, in theory, empower their worship, maybe.

Cost: +30

Burning Desire

You will feel very unpleasant and hot when wearing too many clothes. Skimpy gods aren’t uncommon, but it is usually by choice not nature.

Cost: +40

Slutty Mind

It seems your mind really likes sex and if you don’t satisfy it at least once a day you are going to get more and more distracted by it.

Cost: +30

Up To Eleven

Your sexual pleasure is jacked up to eleven. Just brushing your sensitive areas will get you well on the way into a frenzy.

Cost: +30

Divine Revelation

You will have orgasms randomly a few times each day. This may sound nice, but it can really bring down your public appearance.

Cost: +40


Somehow everything we have been talking about is gotten a hold of by an information trader on Aliot. Either you deal with the consequences, or find and deal with the trader.

Cost: Special


An artifact I am giving you is stolen by another power as you appear on Aliot.

A chosen Artifact is Half Price
You may take this any number of times
Cost: +40

Hostile Territory

It seems the place you choose to be placed is actually in the capital of an enemy power and they know when you appear.

Cost: +25


One species views you as their mortal enemy and will send heros to cut you down.

Choose a Species
You may take this any number of times
Cost: +70

Titan Coming

A Titan Hunter, a titan who goes between worlds to purge them of gods, is coming to Aliot. Best to partner together or hope I arrive before you’re targeted.

Cost: +55


Some interplanar dissidents are based on Aliot and have learned of our conversation. Expect to be targeted by ascendents trying to “free” Aliot.

Cost: +100


Another goddess is trying to wiggle her way into Aliot by supporting a native godling. They are going to be far harder to deal with now.

Choose One Godling
Cost: +45

Meteor Impact

There was a cargo ship blow up a few hundred years ago carrying a lot of powerful metal. Some of the metal is going to be impacting Aliot, and a nasty power grab along with it.

Cost: +40


Some terrorists got their hands on problematic metal and detonated it. It seems to have been redirected on a path that hits Aliot. Magic and Anima have major issues when outside a body, including anima collection.

Cost: +30

Hazard Team

Requires Fallout

A group is coming to collect the dust and take some specimens for testing. They would find you an exceptional specimen to procure.

Cost: +35


A plague is going to break out right where you come in. The infection causes mortals problems casting magic, to lose inhibition, and have great pleasure when spreading the disease.

Cost: +40


The amount of ambient mana an area produces fluctuates unless stabilized. The area you are entering is going to have a terrible drought for decades making magic far weaker due to lack of mana.

Soul Powers

These powers come from the soul and can’t be obtained through practice. That being said, they can be acquired naturally from sheer want due to the fact they are functions of the soul.

Cost: 70


Greater comprehension and raw ability to think and reason are improved. This is just your cap on thinking, multitasking is a different skill that you will pick up on as you get used to worship.

Cost: 70


Perception will improve your ability to interpret and understand what you are seeing faster and more accurately. Very useful if you gain additional methods of perception.

Cost: 70


You will be able to think and speak more elegantly. It will improve your ability to express your thoughts and convince others of them. While important, it isn’t as impactful as you may expect for a god.

Cost: 20


This ability is extremely useful for gods. With it, you can speak with your soul and others will perceive it in their tongue. This is how we are talking. I will implant the language of Aliot even if you don’t have this.

Cost: 50


This power allows you to turn people into archons of your power. Normally you can focus to use your power through your presence, but archons have access to small taps of your power without needing your focus. Be wary of traitors.

Cost: 50


Champions are like archons except they have a small aspect of your soul in them, this allows for vast amounts of your power to flow through them. They often cause great change as prophets and divine warriors, but you will weaken if they are slain.

Cost: 80


Wow, usually people aren’t able to develop this skill until far later, I can’t even yet. Well, avatars are secondary bodies which you can exist in at the same time as your main form. Very useful in general and exceptionally useful for multitasking.

Cost: 40

Weapon Avatar

Some gods can actually create avatars of inanimate objects. These are generally weapons and extremely powerful as they hold your power in them. Do be careful with who wields them, as they are a large portion of your power.

Cost: 65


Dousing is the counterpart to Enhancement. It allows you to alter the world outside your body with increased mana regeneration, or just making a rock really hard to break. It is hilarious to see mortals try to pull an enchanted sword out of an unbreakable rock.

Cost: 45


Motion is an extremely useful skill. It allows you to use anima, it is very cheap though, to basically teleport, fly, and shift your body in and out of a physical state. More advanced versions of this allow for movement between planes.

Cost: 30

Anima Blade

This one is quite rare. You can use anima to temporarily imbue your weapons or create weapons of great strength. They are deadly, but it is an expensive method of fighting compared to permanent enchantments with one time costs.

Cost: 35

Anima Armor

Much like the blade, armor is rarely seen. You can coat your body or clothing in anima to temporarily empower it to withstand more damage. Again, an expensive method of fighting, but much less expensive than dying.

Cost: 50

Greater Presence

It seems you are better at understanding what is going on in your presence than most gods. You can interpret much more of what is going on with less focus. No, it’s not me. The picture is of my sister when she first got this ability and learned what her followers did in her name.

Cost: 65


I talked about angels a bit in the species section and this ability lets you create them. They are similar to avatars as you split off subsections of your soul to inhabit a form. The major issue is that they can ascend and stop following you, but they are exceptional subordinates.

Cost: 35


Harvesting is the ability to drain anima out of people forcefully. This also includes enhancements, but that is less efficient. It is difficult to master and takes time to do. You won’t be pulling this off in combat, but a sex filled night could drain an unsuspecting target.

Cost: 25

Secondary Parts

Your body can create secondary parts that aren’t physically attached to yourself. They are kinda like avatars, but still parts of your main body. They can range from detached tentacles, floating stones, or even animal forms.

Body Powers

These powers can be learned or created if you know how. They alter your body or implant knowledge into it.

Cost: 60


I will douse your body with a good amount of anima into strength. You will be one of the strongest beings on Aliot and won’t have to spend time enhancing your own strength.

Cost: 60


Like strength, but with agility. You will be far more flexible and precise in your movement with the ability to perform great acrobatic feats.

Cost: 60


Endurance increases your ability to prevent damage, increasing your durability. Even though physical attacks basically don’t matter to you, this is quite useful against magic.

Cost: 40


This power grants you the form of sight most greater ascendents have. You will be able to see magic, more forms of light, and many more aspects of reality. It can be hard to parse if you aren’t used to it though.

Cost: 70

Mana Regen

I will douse your body to enhance your mana regeneration. You will have vast supplies of mana to empower your spells or reduce the problems of low ambient mana areas.

Cost: 40

Mana Pool

I will make some minor alteration to your body so that you start lactating mana. Your breasts will engore in size unless you use the liquid mana stored in them. You can also milk them for some extra transportable mana stores.

Cost: 30


I will implant knowledge of a mundane skill into your mind.

You make take this any number of times
Cost: 35

Martial Perfection

I will ingrain the knowledge of a martial school or weapon into your body.

You make take this any number of times
Cost: 30

Sex Technique

I guess I can imbue you with vast knowledge of sexual techniques. You can manage your and your partner’s pleasure with ease.

Cost: 20


Your fluids taste delicious.

Cost: 20


You can now produce a lot of extra fluids if you want.

Cost: 25

Pleasure Override

You can partition the part of your mind that takes pleasure, allowing you to act with full thought when fucking.

Cost: 35

Extra Space

I will attach a pocket dimension of 100 square yards to your body allowing you to store and take out items from it at will. Extremely useful to transport items and always have what you need.

Cost: 30


You will have an aura around you of one of the elemental forms of magic. It will passively use mana doing things like creating stones or burning those too close. You have only minor control over it.

Cost: 60

Greater Aura

Requires Aura

Your aura is now far more powerful. It will slowly change the terrain near you to conform to the chosen element by dousing it with mana.

Cost: 60


Your body has another form you can shift to. This can be quite useful, but it will cause you to split your power between the two forms.

You may take this any number of times
Cost: 55


This one allows you to be able to shift the size of your body from tiny to giant sized. You won’t be as effective in other sizes for those sizes, but you will maintain most of your power.

Cost: 80

Special Form

You gain a more advanced form. This can range from another element in an elemental to growths of feathers that innately have healing spells in them.

You can take this any number of times


Magic is the skill to use mana to alter reality. I will imbue you with knowledge of the selected school equivalent to a skilled ascendent, far more powerful than most mortals could even dream of. Magic can always be learned and improved upon, so study will still increase your power. Schools overlap in function and understanding, and can be combined for even greater effects.

Cost: 80


Arcanomancy is the basic school of magic. It explores fundamental principles of how magic works, is used, and exists. While it can do anything the other schools can, it doesn’t do them particularly well. It is a fundamental school for master mages, but only a foundation for others to expand upon.

Cost: 60


Manamancy is focused around the understanding, efficient use, and generation of mana. While it can be used in combat to block or send attacks with mana, this school excels in mana management. It won’t ever increase potential mana like dousing, but it stabilizes it to maintain high output.

Cost: 40


Antimagic is focused around the disruption and prevention of magic. When used, it ranges from usurpation of magic to dissipation of it to disruption. It can be quite useful against mages for extra defense, but not notable otherwise. This school is most often learned to prevent others from using it against you.

Cost: 40


Transmutation is the school focused around creation, destruction, and alteration. This school is very useful in construction and development, but has only minor use in combat unless there is a significant power difference. It is most commonly studied to increase the efficiency of creation for the elemental schools.

Cost: 50


Aeromancy is the magic of creation, destruction, and manipulation of air. Air is not the most useful element to injure others and is often considered the weakest element, but where it excels is that aeromancers can control and create far more than their elementalist counterparts, granting them the greatest scale.

Cost: 50


Hydromancy is the magic of water; manipulating, creating, and destroying it. It can be used for blunt force or just washing away groups of people. Often it is used for irrigation, but creation of water is expensive. Many hydromancers will carry water on them or stick to rivers so that they are always in good circumstances.

Cost: 50


Geomancy encompasses the creation, destruction, and manipulation of earth and stone. A spectacular school for creating structures and throwing heavy objects at people with amazing applications on the battlefield. Its major issue is the cost of creation, but it is rare to not be near earth or stone.

Cost: 50


Pyromancy is the school of fire and flame. With it you can create, extinguish, and manipulate fire. This is one of the most powerful combat schools with its low cost creation, solid scale, and high damage. It does take practice to get good with precision, but death and destruction are simple with this school.

Cost: 50


Alacromancy is the school focused on the creation, destruction, and manipulation of lightning and electricity. It is a powerful school in combat, but mana expensive compared to fire. It does have great application for technology if you can advance the world far enough to be able to harness electricity.

Cost: 50


Cryomancy is focused around ice, its creation, destruction, and manipulation. With it you can create blizzards, cities made of ice, or even freeze people solid. It is closely related to hydromancy, but is cheaper to use and has a bit more diversity in combat. It does get vastly more expensive in heat though.

Cost: 50


Mettallomancy encompasses the creation, destruction, and manipulation of metals. It is by far the most expensive element and hardest to become skilled in. With it does come great power as most weapons and machines are made of metal. Plus even small pieces of metal can have deadly effect.

Cost: 50


Luxomancy contains the creation, destruction, and manipulation of light and shadow. It is better dealing damage than you may expect, but still not spectacular. It does have great applications in subterfuge for skilled practitioners, allowing for false images or messing with enemy perception.

Cost: 65


Telekinesis is the ability to apply and control force. It is often used to just make everything a bit easier in everyday life. In combat it is used to fly and throw large objects, or small objects at insane speed. This school takes more practice than most, but can be used to create amazing areas or destroy them.

Cost: 55


Calcomancy is a school based around automation. It is similar to programming if you know what that is. Basically it is just magic set to activate in certain ways from opening doors to advanced artificial intelligence. Its use in combat ranges from auto turrets to golems to mech suits to nexi, magical ai.

Cost: 60


Divination magic allows the user to sense and parse information further beyond themselves. It is often used for scouting, but more advanced techniques allow for predictions of possible futures. That said, even amazing divination conclaves can’t predict far into the future on a large scale.

Cost: 40


Destiny magic is an inefficient and strange school. It uses other schools in minor ways to improve the life of the target. It will activate to make minor alterations to the world like shifting a sword blow, changing how some dice land, correcting your footing, or their opposites if you curse somebody.

Cost: 35


Planar magic is based around partitioning space and making alterations to space. It ranges from how quickly time moves and how effective gravity is to if it naturally produces things like fire. It isn’t particularly useful in combat and very expensive, but there probably aren’t any mortals on Aliot who can do it.

Cost: 45


Dimensionalism is the school of space. With it you can teleport, create portals, and bend space. It is most effective for transport, but some advanced users can be very nasty in combat when bending space. You can only manipulate space with this, not create it. That is a very different and rare skill.

Cost: 55


Chronomancy deals with the manipulation of time. Nobody can go forward or backwards in time, this only accelerates, decelerates, and, if you are powerful enough, stops time. It is a very expensive school and speeding up doesn’t speed up mana generation, so make sure you are careful with your mana stores.

Cost: 45


Gravomancy is the school of gravity. It doesn’t affect atoms if you are from a world with those, just how heavy, light, and attractive things are. It is generally looked down on as it tends to be weaker than other schools, but it is a very powerful if you are an exceptional tactician.

Cost: 55


Fleshweaving deals with the alteration and healing of flesh based beings. It doesn’t work on plants, but it will work on bone and organs. You can repair tissue or make permanent alteration with this school, but alterations will lose much of the enhancements, so don’t make changes mid combat.

Cost: 70


Druidism is the magic of control over non sentient souls. With it you can cause the bodies of those souls to grow, move in certain ways, or wither. Most often this is used to control plants to grow in the right ways, grow more, or hold down foes in battle. It can also be used to create spectacular gardens.

Cost: 70


Hieromancy is based around assisting sentient souls. It is most often used to heal others or temporarily enhance the functions of their bodies. It basically assists the target’s soul in its normal functions and can even be used to resurrect people who very recently died, or a long time if you have their soul.

Cost: 70


Necromancy also deals with sentient beings, but is centered around force. It can be used to wither forms, but mainly to make and control undead. Undead are beings with their souls improperly attached and as such less able to have a will of their own. Necromancers are very annoying to gods.

Cost: 65


Binding magic is focused on inhibiting and sealing the soul, physical, and magical abilities. It is a difficult school and tends to work best with enchanting rather than with normal magic. It is the easier method of stopping beings with greater immortality after you kill them along with taking prisoners alive.

Cost: 50


Telepathy is the magic of memory and thought. It can be used to read minds, implant memories, and even create hiveminds. This isn’t an effective form of brainwashing people since they will remain fundamentally the same person, but it can be used in information collection and subterfuge.

Cost: 55


Subjugation is based around altering the fundamental parts of who somebody is. It is very expensive, but you can forcefully alter what people are like and how they think of you. This is body specific, so it won’t carry over if you make a new body and place their soul in. A costly, but effective method of control.

Cost: 55


Domination is focused on usurping what a person is. This can be used to take over a person’s body, plant mental triggers, or control them completely. The problem with this magic is that once the spell is broken the person returns to who they normally are. It is cheaper and faster than subjugation, but riskier.

Magic Forms

Magic can be done through many methods with the most common being true magic, where it is simply your will enacting it. Here are some other forms that require some practice to use, practice that I will grant you.

Cost: 60


Enchanting is a form of magic where you tie the magic to reality to make it permanent. It is very expensive, but extremely useful.

Cost: 45


Verbal magic is done through speaking words of magic and allows for easier casting of more complex spells, but is far more rigid in effect.

Cost: 40


Somatic casting is the motion of your body. It can range from ritual dances to simply moving your fingers into certain shapes.

Cost: 60


Runecrafting is having the physical shape and application of that shape cause the magic. It is often paired with enchanting, but doesn’t have to be.

Cost: 50


This is magic that is imbued into sound and as such require the sound reach people to have effect. Think of sirens.

Cost: 55


This magic comes from the eyes and sometimes reqiures the target to lock eyes. It is harder to prevent than true magic.


Here we are at the artifacts section. You can take these items to help you out. All are powerful for a godling, but there are no protections on them. If you lose them, they are lost. Also make sure you have a method to transport the larger ones.

Cost: 30

Elysian Blade

This sword uses hieromancy on those it hits, healing them. Terrible to kill people, except undead. If used on undead it will injure them until they are destroyed.

Cost: 40

Filament Sword

This sword creates fine pieces of extremely sharp wire that can be slightly manipulated in combat. Movement will become extremely dangerous when fighting for all parties.

Cost: 20

Dagger of Sellisna

This is a very heavily enchanted dagger. It can slice through most anything you will be able to find on Aliot and it is nigh unbreakable.

Cost: 40

Hored Axe

When this axe is swung with intent it will phase slightly to pass through physical objects while still applying the force. It is only slightly reduced by magical defenses.

Cost: 35

Bound Blade

This spear-like weapon applies binding magic when it hits causing minor penalties to physical ability and mana usage. They also have the function of blocking inter planar travel.

Cost: 35


This staff is spiked on each end and when one impales a target, it flares out and attempts to dislodge the soul of the target. It will kill weaker targets and disorient more powerful foes.

Cost: 30

Grey Bow

When drawn, this bow creates extremely heavy stonelike arrows that are fired at high speeds. On impact they attempt to bind to their target to weigh them down.

Cost: 25

Crystal Spike

This is a small piece of crystal that can be shaped into almost any weapon or armor. It will function as a highly enchanted piece of equipment that is able to be temporarily empowered with mana.

Cost: 25

Tiara of Myth

This tiara has amazing fleshweaving properties allowing the wearer to create beasts and monsters. You will have to find souls for them, but almost anything can be created with it.

Cost: 20

Delvik Plate

This armor is made up of small interlocking plates that shift place to allow for full movement. It is extremely durable and protective.

Cost: 30

Weos Hide

This armor can be placed on slain creatures and will consume their skin, alter itself to mimic the physical and magical properties of the beast.

Cost: 30

Nesserite Robe

This robe consumes ambient mana to create flakes stored on it. When activated the flakes fly out and slow down time as they deteriorate.

Cost: 15

Valen Plug

When worn, this plug empowers the strength, agility, and endurance of the wearer.

Cost: 20

Eshrix Jewels

When these jewels are worn in the nipples, they increase the mana regeneration of the wearer.

Cost: 20

Tifnit Chain

This chain is attached onto the nipples and increases the magical damage caused by your spells.

Cost: 45

Ash Orb

This orb is about 20 feet in diameter and when activated will slowly spread ash out around it. This ash will slowly kill anything it touches and will eventually coat up to a 100 mile radius.

Cost: 40

Glaze Orb

This orb is about 10 feet in diameter and when activated it will float into the air, absorb ambient mana, and slowly transform the land around it to the selected type.

Cost: 25

Surveyor Core

This orb is about 8 feet in diameter and will float around collecting information. It can cover about 100 square miles a day and is often used for resource marking or population counts.

Cost: 30

Mana Generator

This orb is about 5 feet in diameter and produces vast quantities of mana. It is shaped to allow for easy retrieval and use of that mana.

Cost: 45

Dark Eye of Nehvac

This is one of the eyes of a dead god. It is heavily enchanted to reduce magic around it and prevent divination spells.

Cost: 50

Svphix Cradle

When activated, it will send out tendrils to consume the ambient mana in the area, using it to create mana crystals around the cradle.

Cost: 60

Tessephon Cords

These are two giant spires that can be used to travel to nearby planes like heavens or hells and easily transport an invasion force.

Cost: 55

Spire of Yresh

This is a fifty foot spire that harvests mana from the dead placed in it and allows for easier creation and control of undead with those bodies.

Cost: 35

Chalice of Vapor

The chalice of vapor will accept anima poured into it. When filled with water and drank, the chalice will use the anima to enhance the drinker’s body.

Cost: 45

Deck of Ish

This is a deck of extremely heavily enchanted cards that have effects ranging from summoning creatures to casting curses and powerful spells.

Cost: 40


I will give you about two square yards of this metal. It is heavily enchanted and when applied to a magic item, it will mimic and enhance that item’s abilities.

Cost: 30

Ollian Marble

This marble can be molded like clay and when solidified, it will activate extremely powerful antimagic properties. Often used for golems.

Cost: 25

Tears of Clarity

This liquid assists with future prediction and information-gathering capabilities of divination magic.

Cost: 30


When ground into incense and burned, this flower causes mortals to become very subservient and open minded. It also relieves tension.

Cost: 40

Ichor of Aphesa

This ichor is a powerful necrotic poison that turns victims it kills into subservient thralls that slowly seep more ichor from their bodies.


Aliot is split into six major sections. Each one has a few notable powers that will prove quite resilient and possible deadly to you. Choose one region to enter at.


Ostensia is the midlands of the continent and is filled with plains and forests. While it has some high elf cities, it is almost entirely composed of human nations with the hegemonic nation of Illonous towering over them. The most common problems are wars between nations with savage orcs, goblins, and ogres only minor nuisances from the forested and border regions.


This is the godling of Illonous. She hasn’t been very active for a few hundred years and mostly lets mortals deal with conflict for her.


Vittena is the new ruler of Illonous and is a staunch secularist, believing that gods have no part in mortal affairs.


This is a new godling on one of the minor human nations. She is currently leading the push to depose Illonous as hegdemon.


Helgrik is the northernmost part of the continent with harsh winters and temperate summers. It is filled with mountains, forests, and vast mineral wealth. It is composed of stoutling and human nations with some high orc tribes and many independent dragons.

Stoutling Gods

Three stoutling godlings rule over the stoutling nations and are constantly at war with one another. Though they would band together if they all felt truely threatened.


Snowfall is a young white dragon of an immensely powerful bloodline. She has acquired vast wealth here and claims any treasure that comes into what she deems her territory.


This grey dragon has been using force to unify the human tribes into one nation under her. She plans to use them to sack the stoutling cities for their wealth.


The southernmost part of the continent with savannahs, hills, mountains, and islands. The islands off the coast are filled with pirates and beastkin races. The eastern mountains hold dark elf slaver cities while the western mountains hold ogres, savage orcs, and humans. Finally the savannahs and hills hold halfling and human nations.


This is a dragon lich that is building power in the western mountains. She intends to usurp control of the dark elf cities before conquering the rest of Mellosua.


Erista is the mage godling of the halfling nations and constantly working to destroy the human nations that fight her people.


The beastkin unifier. She has been going from island to island destroying pirates and uniting the beastkin tribes to forge a nation that can exert its power outward.


Often called the old world due to its slow changing nature. This is a large set of massive islands off the east of the continent. The land is composed of forests, hills, and mountains. It is filled with high elf cities, dark elf caverns, and various high orc tribes. The orcs will create vast armies beaten back by the elves just to repeat this a few generations later.


This is the most powerful of the dark elf godlings and has an iron grip over her people. She controls the politics in all her cities viewing her subjects as toys.

Elf Council

This council is a collection of the various weak high elf godlings that come together when threats appear against the elf cities. Recently called to deal with the next orc invasion.


Speaking of orc invasions. This is the newest leader who is actually very unsure of herself, but she is the strongest orc their people have seen in generations.


Often known as the new world, Tellenen is actually another continent to the west of the main continent. Beyond the vex nations on the coastline, Tellenen is filled with savage orcs, dragons, spirits, fae, and elementals. It is a brutal place that only stays within itself due to the staunch defences of the vex nations. It is full of powerful foes, but I will only list those most likely to actually break past the vex.


This is an amazingly powerful earth and mana spirit. She has defeated a number of mana elemental lords and has been collecting magic users for something.


This is the queen of the fae. She just recently subjugated the two other fae courts and has been arming her soldiers to start conquest of nearby lands.


Ishvak is the most powerful elemental in Aliot. He has collected a great host of followers with only his intelligence currently stopping him from further conquest.


The last region is Hell. This is a plane closely attached to Aliot and is home to a vast number of demons and devils. They have been fairly passive in history with only minor trade and expeditions to Aliot proper.


Tey is the current demon queen of hell, firm isolationist, and has reigned for the last couple hundred years. She has brought peace through annihilation of dissent, but rumors of war have recently reappeared.

Demon Conclave & Great Devil

The demon conclave are the demon godlings that manage the rebirth of demons and devils. They are protected by the Great Devil and his armies, but have remained passive through most conflicts.


Wesha is a ruling lord in hell under Tey and strongly wishes for conquest of the mortal realms. She has been enacting plans to force Tey’s hand to grant her an army to conquer Aliot.


That is all, you are all set to go. There is one last thing I can offer you though. My assistance on your journey in Aliot. If you wish, I can help you out.

Choose up to One

Cost: 50


You can contact me from time to time and I will help you out with strategic advice or godly matters. It can be difficult to set up religions and dogma, or you may just want some advice on how to proceed.

Cost: 150


Requires Secondary State or greater Fealty

I will grant you a few angels and a handful of ascendents to help you out. You can also contact me if you want.

Cost: 500


Requires In My Name or Slave

I guess I can push my conquest up. I will grant you an army along with vast resources to conquer Aliot, with more coming later. Don’t mess it up.